Goddess Spirituality from a Mermaidenly Lady

Category Archives: Tuesday Action

On my internet explorations I found THE BEST ADVICE from an American Priestess named Carolina Amor at What Should a Priestess Do. Here is what she says, while listening to a chap called Stuart Wilde on audiobook:

Stuart kept saying that we need to let go of our ego self and just do life. For example, if you wake up one morning and your car is not there, just say to yourself “Today I am doing walking.” If you are stuck in a traffic jam, just say “Today I am doing traffic.” Just do life! Whatever it is put in our way, don´t react, just observe and let go of your expectation of what you need for that particular moment because it is usually our ego that had determined what the ego needs and whatever does not follow those needs is bad and creates emotions.

This is freaking awesome! I love how looking at the world so simply changes everything. It turns a world full of complication and resistance into one of acceptance and compassion. Soppy but true.

I’ve been trying to use this advice for the last couple of days and today I have written Today I am doing… on my hand so that I remember to use it more because I LOVE IT and it FREAKIN’ ROCKS.